Moody Why You Should Buy A Tankless Water Heater

Every American household spends 25% of each energy dollar producing domestic hot water. Nationwide more residential energy is consumed by domestic hot water than on anything but heating and air conditioning. You could save up to 60% on your monthly water heating costs by installing a tankless water heater in your Moody home. A Moody tankless […]

Riverchase Extend the Life of Your Water Heater and Save Energy

Water is water, right? Wrong! Minerals in your Riverchase water can ruin your water heater by rusting it from the inside out, or these minerals can settle in the bottom of your tank and create a layer between the water that needs to be heated and the burner. This layer will cause you to use more […]

Alabama Tankless Water Heaters Benefits

Have you ever thought about getting an Alabama tankless water heater, based off a Birmingham plumber‘s recommendation? Tankless water heaters are definitely something you should be looking into. Alabama tankless water heaters, sometimes known as instantaneous, continuous flow or inline are the perfect alternative to conventional tank heaters. They heat liquids on demand or instantly […]

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